Australian Skeet Nationals 2024

Wednesday morning was the start of the State shoulder to shoulder teams match with all the state teams getting ready to start their day.
Straight after the teams finished everyone gathered around at layout 8 and 9 right in front of the Range building to watch the Glen Trophy teams match get underway.
With Australia starting on layout 8 the first box was quickly finished with all 5 team members shooting the first 25.
After that Australia and New Zealand swapped layouts to finish the second box.
The first 4 shooters all finished with a perfect 50/50 with Lorraine Hughes still to shoot 2 targets on low 8, everyone was watching in anticipation as she took her first shot, now with 1 shot to go the anticipation grew!!
Could this be the day that a new record is set?
With the previous record set back in 2002 with a score of 249/250.
Lorraine takes her shot and with it sets a new record of 250/250 and the team celebrates.
Congratulations to team members Michael Buttigieg, Antony Ballarino, David O’Sullivan, Matthew De Paoli and Lorraine Hughes you did us proud!!